Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Robot Rodeo rides into town!

The rodeo is in town. No, not your typical rodeo, but the Robot Rodeo! The exhibit opens on May 1, but I got a chance to preview it earlier today (I have connections, you know). The exhibit stays true to the Museum’s idea of hands-on, interactive exhibits. It is definitely hands-on. I controlled several kinds of robots – even one on the surface of Mars (or the exhibit’s idea of Mars). Robot Rodeo is educational too. I learned what a robot is and what a robot isn’t. You’ll have to visit to find out! Robot Rodeo is technical, but not so much that most kids and adults won’t have fun. Robots seem to fascinate all ages. Overall, I think the exhibit is very interesting. I can’t wait to see the public’s response.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

The blog is great! I am looking forward to keeping up MOD happenings!