Thursday, August 28, 2008

Girl Talk Back By Popular Demand

The response to last May's Girl Talk was so overwhelming that we decided to hold it again on September 6 and October 4.

Do you remember having “the talk” with your parents? Learning about the Birds & Bees can be especially difficult for girls. Changing bodies and puberty brings many questions. Some of the questions can be tough to answer. Girl Talk provides an open conversation designed for girls and their adult female caregivers. The program is $20 per female duo and space is limited. To make reservations, call Beth at (501) 396-7061

Girl Talk has been so popular we also decided to give boys an chance to take advantage of this opportunity. Boy Talk will take place on December 6. Boy Talk provides an open conversation designed for boy and their adult male caregivers. You can call Beth at (501) 396-7061 for reservations.

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