Friday, March 20, 2009

This Little Piggy...March 26-28

When Mother Piggy sends her precious piglet off to the village for flour, sugar and eggs, she reminds him of three things: Be kind to others, obey all the rules, and never stray from the market road....

So starts the tale of "This Little Piggy Went to Market." What will happen to Piggy?

Kids of all ages will enjoy the action of the story in this theatrical presentation and learn valuable lessons: "being kind to others", "obeying the rules", and many more.

Great things for a 18 month old to learn, and good reminders for kids of all ages (us parents too).

No reservations necessary on Saturday, March 28 and the performances are included with the price of admission!

To reserve a school or group visit for March 25, 26, of 27, contact Beth Nelsen, Reservationist, at (501) 396-7061 or email mhtml:%7BBA47DAE0-FEF4-4AA5-9D64-24CF5021705B%7Dmid://00000407/!

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