Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Around The World in 90 Minutes

We had a great time with Marty Essen on July 10-11. If you missed it, here's an interview with the author and explorer. For more information on Marty or his book, visit www.coolcreatureshotplanet.com

Kelly: So tell me about your show.

Marty: My show features interesting facts, humorous stories, and the best of thousands of photos I took while traveling the world for my book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents. It's the type of show where the audience has fun laughing at the stories, oohing and aahing at the photos, and then, when it's all done, they realize just how much they've learned.

Kelly: Sounds like fun! How did this all begin?

Marty: Around the World in 90 Minutes began as a show that I presented in bookstores as part of his first book tour. Later, after numerous refinements, the show took on a life of its own in colleges, museums, and nature centers across the United States. In fact, it has been APCA’s (a major college activities association) #1 booked lecture for eight months straight.

Kelly: Can you tell me and the parents some of the highlights?

Marty: Highlights of my show include: amazing animal facts, debunking animal myths, cuddly wallaroos and spiny walking sticks, charging elephants and howling wolves, deadly snakes and friendly penguins, bizarre creatures and endangered species, swimming with piranhas, kayaking in the rainforest, hiking with the Porcupine caribou migration, rafting with humpback whales, and surviving a hippo attack in Zimbabwe!

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