Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mystical Tree and Mystical Garden

Happy back to school!  We believe in education and we wish all students much success.  We wanted to introduce you to two items we now have available in our Explore Store.  They are super cool...they use crystals to create "trees" and "gardens."  The best part is that all you need is water and the transformation occurs in a few hours.  Send us pictures of you with your magical tree or garden and we'll post them here!

With "special powers," Mystical Tree transforms from a paper cut-out into a beautiful tree. Safe and nontoxic.  Just water your tree with the provided liquid and your tree with grow into a beautiful crystal garden.

The garden "scene" is easy to set up and then you simply "water" the paper plants with the magic growing solution. Kit includes everything needed to grow your 5" x 8" garden. Garden includes plastic base, paper trees, mountains and grass, 4 packets of magical growing solution and complete instructions.

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