Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Mane Point-The Science & Art of the Beard - Part 2 of 3

Editor's Note: "MOD Voices" guest blogger Ryan Byrd continues.  Remember, look for science learning along the way!

HOLDING ON FUR LIFE: Now you're trekking across the continent of Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, with an average temperature of -58°F. One problem: your plane to the Bahamas got lost and you and your suitcase full of Bermuda shorts and tank tops ended up landing on the southernmost place in the world, where 1-mile deep ice covers 98% of the continent.

You and your pilot set off to find any other signs of life. Shivering and staggering across the icy surface, the only signs of life you spot is the occasional Emperor penguin and fur seal, because only cold-adapted animals are able to survive. Losing hope, the elements begin to take their toll.

In a cold climate, the threat of hypothermia—a condition in which one’s core temperature drops below 95°F—is at the forefront.

Engage survival of the fittest.

Never fear, friends! You’ve got a beautiful coat of chin-fur to wrap your shivering body in. Your clean-shaven pilot friend has little to cling to other than hope. Beard: 2 – Antarctica: 0.

Stay tuned for Reason #3!

About Ryan Byrd:
When Ryan Byrd isn't spending time manscaping his facial coiffure, you can find him enjoying his beautiful wife, Christen, and 3 children: Lucy, 3; Olive, 20 months and Max, 2 months. To pay the bills, he works as Advertising Art Director at Arkansas Business Publishing Group. To keep his sanity, he's the lead guy at Eikon Church. Follow his nonsensical ramblings at

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