Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Mane Point-The Science & Art of the Beard - Part 3 of 3

Editor's Note:  "MOD Voices" guest blogger Ryan Byrd wraps up his campaign to teach science through a humorous approach. 

COIF CARRIER: Whether you’re facing fear-inducing grizzly bears in the forest or marching with the penguins in Antarctica, you simply have to carry supplies. Let’s say you’re an ornithologist—a scientist who studies birds. You’ll probably need binoculars, a pen and paper for notes and some nets for collecting a few birds. Likewise, if you were a glaciologist—a scientists who studies glaciers—in Antarctica, you’d need varying supplies as well such as an ice pick, a compass and a pick axe for collecting ice specimens.

Naturally, you could carry it all in a backpack or wear cargo pants or flash back to 1994 and wear a fanny pack. All these things sound perfectly logical…to a clean-shaven man.

But you, the bearded wonder, knows better. Why weigh yourself down with unnatural bags and cloth compartments when you have a perfectly groomed and full beard swaying from your animal-like jowls? You see, if nothing else, a fully-developed beard can serve as the perfect tote for all the necessary supplies needed to navigate life.

More than storage, though, you never know what you’re going to find in a beard. Reach in. What’s that? A piece of this morning’s doughnut? That one sock you couldn’t find? A copy of your 3rd grade report card? That love note little Susie Joyner gave you on the playground last week? You never know. Beard: 3 – Cargo Pants: 0.

So there you have it. If there were ever 3 good reasons to grow a beard someday, these are it. So, give it a try. You never know when you might meet Mr. Grizzly, crash land in Antarctica or need to carry your bird watching supplies around.

About Ryan Byrd:
When Ryan Byrd isn't spending time manscaping his facial coiffure, you can find him enjoying his beautiful wife, Christen, and 3 children: Lucy, 3; Olive, 20 months and Max, 2 months. To pay the bills, he works as Advertising Art Director at Arkansas Business Publishing Group. To keep his sanity, he's the lead guy at Eikon Church. Follow his nonsensical ramblings at

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